Eclairage LED PROXIMAL : sports équestres


The know-how of PROXIMAL is based on a complementarity of skills
(lighting specialists, electronics technicians, equine veterinarian, ethologist, …)
and a common passion for the horse.

PROXIMAL addresses its offers in France and abroad for the:

Equine breeders with a special focus on welfare,
the recovery of horses and the optimization of photostimulation practices.

Trainers preparing the horses for competitions and races
by providing them with the best conditions to optimize comfort,
the concentration and the performances of the horses.

• Professionals of equine transport by integrating solutions to improve the safety
of horses when boarding and their relaxation during their travels.


Equine lighting

Scientific and technical approach

PROXIMAL expertise

PROXIMAL’s expertise is based on 2 scientific fundamental know-how:

#1 Mastering lighting and LED technology

#2 Regular discussions with professionals’ scientists and horse specialists (vision, locomotion, reproduction, circadian cycle, behaviours, physiology, stress indicators, …)

PROXIMAL comes from a 2-year program of scientific research and field experiments with professionals of the equine industry.


scientific committee

Fabrice Audigié

A lot of work has been done on the respiratory environment of the horse but the light aspect has for the moment been relatively neglected.

I think that PROXIMAL‘s approach is differentiating, original and quantitative to evaluate for example through their first study the effect of better lighting of a truck or horse-trailer for loading horses as well as the stress and well-being aspect that can be associated.


Pr. Fabrice AUDIGIÉ
Director of CIRALE, Pr. E.N.V.A.